the idea factory

Branding a Hub for Innovation


The Idea Factory believes in the power of collaboration and creativity to drive progress and innovation. They are a community of thinkers, makers and doers who believe that the solutions to the world's biggest problems lie in the hands of those who are willing to dream big and work together to make it happen.

Their mission is to create a space where ideas can flourish and innovation can thrive. The importance of nurturing and supporting new ideas as well as providing a platform for entrepreneurs, inventors and innovators to bring their ideas to life.


Since closing its doors in May 2021, the old Debenhams building in the center of Bristol has remained empty and unused. In recent months the iconic building has been purchased by a community interest group, who are planning to monetize the space in order to reinvest profits back into the city-center and surrounding communities.

To achieve their goals for the space, the community interest group have asked to help define a use for the space in a way that can be monetized as well as crafting an identity for the brand and bring it to market through a fully-fledged launch campaign.


Bristol is well known for being a hub for innovation and technology. The Debenhams building is transformed into an innovation hub that brings together entrepreneurs, startups and investors in a new, modern collaborative environment.

The space features co-working areas, meeting rooms and tech labs as well as regular events and talks on topics such as latest technology, innovations and new/upcoming Bristol-based businesses.